Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Tipping Point and Golden Retrievers

A blog without updates is like a Golden-Retriever without a tail. Still functional, but somehow disheartening. We'll try and rectify that.

Fastcompany has a fairly excellent article up about how the ideas behind The Tipping Point may not be all they're cracked up to be.

The marketing application of The Tipping Point's philosophy is that there are certain consumers who are far more influential than others, and that advertisers should discover and target these consumers. It's an idea that feels correct; we all have people who we regularly emulate and ask for advice.

The Fastcompany article is about someone who took the time to scientifically study the idea of the Uber-Influencer, and found that there is no such thing. Therefore, there's no sense in targeting this mythical consumer. Something, as the article points out, that Madison Avenue is having a difficult time stomaching.

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