Monday, May 14, 2007

Is Primetime Perishing?

By Andrew
Advertising Age ran an article that furthers our previous discussions on the evolution of television. The premise of Is Crucial Daypart Finally Past Its Prime is that soon, primetime will have no meaning. Tivo, Internet Television and other technologies mean that consumers watch what they want to watch, when they want to watch it.

While this seems like a scary proposition for advertisers, it needn’t be. Audi is already taking advantage of the concept with its ads based on The ads run so quickly that they can only be viewed by consumers who slow them down on their DVR, or go to Audi’s website to view a slower version. Kudos to Audi for taking advantage of new technology instead of trying to stop it like other, shall we say, more furtive organizations.

The article’s most hopeful quote comes from David B. Wertheimer. “"There will only be two kinds of television in the future: event television and on-demand television."” Sounds like a great future.

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